Sunday, August 23, 2009

Future innovation estimation

The use of Nanotechnology in medicine is thought to be one of the most promising uses of nanotechnology (the closet to the robotic surgery item on our wiki list). The article did not provide a time-frame for the widespread adoption of the technology or techniques but I will use my future prognostication skills to say the time-frame will be within 20 years.
The scientists in the article are working on detecting Coronary Heart Disease in the early stages. The proposed process will make use of three types of nanostructured probes:
a)molecular beacons
b)semiconductor quantum dots
c)magnetic nanoparticles

These components will detect, mark, study and provide an image of coronary plaque formations.

Please view the embedded article entitled “Nanotechnology in Medicine and Health” The entire article is included at the bottom of this page(specific article information starts on page 126).

A second study conducted by the Millennium Project of the American Council for the United Nations University and The Foundation for the Future. This project collected foreseeable factors that might significantly affect the future of humanity in the next 1000 years.

The study puts forth the belief that the “inherited diseases of our ancestors will no longer exist” (by the 22nd century).

Please view the embedded article related to this information entitled “ Millennium 3000 Scenarios - Excerpt from the State of the Future at the Millennium”. The entire article is included at the bottom of this page.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Martha.

    I am completing my dissertation on learning management systems. This blog assists my writing.

    After the dissertation is completed I may create another blog for immersive learning practioners (or maybe one just for fun).

    Thanks again for the encouragement.
